function fnregvalid(customForm) { customForm.action="candidate-profile-update_proc.php"; } function fnregvalidcorrection(customForm) { customForm.action="update.php"; } function fnchkreg(reg) { reg.action="logininfo.php"; } function fnchklogin(frmlogin) { frmlogin.action="chklogin.php"; } function fnchadd(frmadd) { frmadd.action="additional-course-proc.php"; } function fnchkpass(frmpass) { frmpass.action="change-password_proc.php"; } var dropboxleft=455 //set left position of box (in px) var dropboxtop=260 //set top position of box (in px) var dropspeed=140 //set speed of drop animation (larger=faster) //Specify display mode. 3 possible values are: //1) "always"- This makes the fade-in box load each time the page is displayed //2) "oncepersession"- This uses cookies to display the fade-in box only once per browser session //3) integer (ie: 5)- Finally, you can specify an integer to display the box randomly via a frequency of 1/integer... // For example, 2 would display the box about (1/2) 50% of the time the page loads. var displaymode="always" ///Don't edit beyond here/////////// if (parseInt(displaymode)!=NaN) var random_num=Math.floor(Math.random()*displaymode) var ie=document.all var dom=document.getElementById function initboxv2(){ if (!dom&&!ie) return crossboxcover=(dom)?document.getElementById("dropinboxv2cover") : document.all.dropinboxv2cover crossbox=(dom)?document.getElementById("dropinboxv2"): document.all.dropinboxv2 scroll_top=(ie)? truebody().scrollTop : window.pageYOffset crossbox.height=crossbox.offsetHeight"px"*(-1)+"px""px""px"||ie)? "visible" : "show" dropstart=setInterval("dropinv2()",50) } function dropinv2(){ scroll_top=(ie)? truebody().scrollTop : window.pageYOffset if (parseInt(<0){"px""px" } else{ clearInterval(dropstart) } } function dismissboxv2(){ if (window.dropstart) clearInterval(dropstart)"hidden" } function truebody(){ return (document.compatMode && document.compatMode!="BackCompat")? document.documentElement : document.body } function get_cookie(Name) { var search = Name + "=" var returnvalue = "" if (document.cookie.length > 0) { offset = document.cookie.indexOf(search) if (offset != -1) { offset += search.length end = document.cookie.indexOf(";", offset) if (end == -1) end = document.cookie.length; returnvalue=unescape(document.cookie.substring(offset, end)) } } return returnvalue; } if (displaymode=="oncepersession" && get_cookie("droppedinv2")=="" || displaymode=="always" || parseInt(displaymode)!=NaN && random_num==0){ if (window.addEventListener) window.addEventListener("load", initboxv2, false) else if (window.attachEvent) window.attachEvent("onload", initboxv2) else if (document.getElementById || document.all) window.onload=initboxv2 if (displaymode=="oncepersession") document.cookie="droppedinv2=yes" } window.onresize = getSubMenuLeftPosition; function getSubMenuLeftPosition(){ var leftPosition = 30; var windowWidth = document.documentElement.clientWidth; if(windowWidth > 1004){ var leftPosition = (windowWidth/2)-220; } var leftPositionInPx = leftPosition+'px'; var divName = document.getElementById('dropinboxv2cover'); = leftPositionInPx; }